O'Hayre, Dawson P.C.

Representative Clients

Below is a sample list of our clients. For specific information regarding our practice areas, browse our website or phone us at 970-641-3326.

Crested Butte Mountain Resort
   (Crested Butte Ski Area);
Crested Butte Country Club;
Gunnison County Stockgrowers;
ND Enterprises, LLC
   (The Club at Crested Butte);
Community Banks of Colorado;
Gunnison Valley Aviation;
Brush Creek Airport, LLC
   (Buckhorn Ranch Subdivision and
    Crested Butte Airport).

Bear Ranch;
Habitat for Humanity of the Gunnison Valley;
Christopher Klein Construction, Inc.;
Mark Lucas Construction, LLC;
Red Oak Properties, LLC;
Mill Creek Ranch;
Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley;
Pike Builders, Inc.;
Resort Realty Group;
Saddle Ridge Ranch Estates Water Company.